Bodybuilding Tips - Approach To Using Supplements Wisely | The Portal

Bodybuilding Tips - Approach To Using Supplements Wisely

Many bodybuilders (typically novices) will try any new supplement that comes out each month. They'll take it for a few weeks, then put it on the shelf and then try something else the next month. They'll all bluff about some result they saw, but they'll never commit to a set regimen and they'll never really learn what works and what doesn't work.

More advanced bodybuilders possess the wisdom to know that wandering through the supplement maze blindly is a good way to waste money as well as squander your body's valuable resources. As with all things related to bodybuilding, the consumption of supplements should take place according to a well-structured plan, taking into account your personal bodybuilding goals, and health and financial realities.

First off, take a break. Give your body 1 to 3 weeks without any supplements (aside from whey protein and a multivitamin, which should be considered food staples and remain consistently on your menu year round). During that time, your system will clear out all remnants of past supplement, and your organs will have a chance to reset from their daily load of supplement processing. When you do return to supplementation, your system will be primed and receptive to the new influx of nutrients.

Once you're ready to start back, add one supplement for the first 10 days. Keep a journal of all effects you are seeing, both good and bad. Take measurements and weigh yourself. Test body fat if possible. You can add the second supplement 10 to 20 days later (the later the better so you are able to independently analyze and verify if the first supplement is doing its job).

Utilize high quality supplements from reputable firms. Demand quality in shipping and product. Research the product, and find out the experience of others on message boards like those at Remember that all supplement companies are businesses looking to sell a product, and that not all products work the same. Do your research, record your results, and learn from the experiences (and mistakes!) of others. As with all things bodybuilding, supplements work best when used intelligently and in moderation.

Dane Fletcher is the world's most prolific bodybuilding and fitness expert and is currently the executive editor for If you are looking for more bodybuilding tips or information on weight training, or supplementation, please visit, the bodybuilding and fitness authority site with hundreds of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals.

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Via BuzzFeed